New Apostolic Reformation: An Update on Two New Books
Many of you have asked me about the progress of my two forthcoming books on the New Apostolic Reformation. I'm pleased to share that the books are in production and are scheduled to be released this fall. They will be published by Weaver Book Company.If you're looking for an overview of the NAR movement and you want a concise biblical evaluation of its teachings, you might begin with God's Super-Apostles: Encountering the Worldwide Prophets and Apostles Movement. If you want a fuller exposition of NAR teachings and a more complete examination of the movement, then you'll want to read A New Apostolic Reformation? A Biblical Response to a Worldwide Movement.
I've had the privilege of partnering with a co-author on these books. His name is R. Douglas Geivett, and he's a professor at Talbot School of Theology. Dr. Geivett is a brilliant Christian philosopher and has debated the leading atheists, including Richard Dawkins, Michael Shermer, and Matt Ridley. He has degrees from multiple schools, including Multnomah School of the Bible, Gonzaga University, Dallas Theological Seminary, and a Ph.D. from the University of Southern California. Other books he has written or edited include In Defense of Miracles (InterVarsity Press) and Evil and the Evidence for God (Temple University Press). He's also a contributor to the Apologetics Study Bible.I'm thrilled that Dr. Geivett has applied his high-level skills and brilliant mind to an evaluation of NAR teachings. You can read his announcement about the books at Doug Geivett's Blog.For additional details about the books or to pre-order copies, see the publisher's website.Please help us spread the word about these books!-- Holly Pivec